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Pranayama Meditation Retreats in India

Pranayama Retreat in Rishikesh is 5 days intensive program conducted by Real Happiness India. The program will enhance your pre-existing knowledge regarding this spiritual practice. Even, if you are unexperienced in this field, then also you can join the course.

After the completion of Retreat Program, you find yourself in a complete new scenario where peace is the ultimate bliss.

The profound program of 5 Days Pranayama Retreat in Rishikesh will deepen your understanding and breathing practice. The program also includes some yoga poses along with the practice of pranayama. With the retreat program, you will become aware of controlling the "Prana" or "Vital Energy" of the body.

The 5 days Pranayama Retreat at Real Happiness, India gives you a chance to explore the rich culture and knowledge of spirituality. The curriculum includes practices of pranayama, yoga asanas, meditation practices, detox and outdoor excursion. The retreat is perfect for those who are beginners with a little yoga experiences or are already an RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), wishes to intensify their knowledge.

प्राणायामेन युक्तेन सर्वरोगक्षयो भवेत्।
प्राणायामवियुक्तेभ्यः सर्वरोगसमुद्भवः ॥


Practicing Pranayama daily leads to a healthy and disease-free life. If one doesn't practice it daily then the body will become the origin of various diseases.

The above shloka is written in The Yogachudamani Upanishad of holy Veda, "Samaveda". This minor Upanishad of Hinduism Veda is also known as the "Crown Jewel of Yoga". 

It clearly shows that "Pranayama" is not a modern practice, indeed originated ages ago. This holy practice makes us connected to our ancient spiritual roots

What is Pranayama?

There are modern definitions available for Pranayama depicting Pranayama as the union of two words, "Prana" and "Ayama". This is completely wrong. Pranayama, in actual terms, is an amalgamation of "Prana" & "Yama", where "Prana" means "Life Force (Breath)" and "Yama" means "Control", forming the meaning of "Pranayama" as the "Control of Breath" or "Control of Life Force".

What is Prana?

The life force or inner energies of the human body is termed as "Prana". Whatever happens with you and how your body reacts to it is determined by your prana. It is an energy or power that forms the foundation of life and creates essence in it. Everything that exists has prana in it. 

Prana is a connection between mind and the consciousness. It regulates the physical functions of the human body. Breathing, oxygen supply, purification & filtration of toxic materials, and much more are done by Prana. 

Types of Prana

There are five manifestations of Prana in the human body. All these have a different role in directing the mechanism of the body. Gaining hold in all these 5 types of pranas can make you free from all ailments (especially the psychological one) of the body. These 5 manifestations or Pancha Vayus are -

Prana Vayu

Prana is self-being, what we think and what our mindset is, all these are determined by Prana. It is located in Brain. The energy of prana subtle the flow from the nostrils to the heart. The Prana shakti of the body gets activated by some particular pranayama techniques namely, Bhastrika Pranayama, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayama.

Udana Vayu

Udana Vayu is located in the throat of the human body. Being located in the upper part of the body, it forms a bridge between Prana Vayu and Vyana Vayu. It also works in awakening the Kundalini Energy. It manifests speech, thyroid gland and so. By balancing it, one achieves a balanced and strong will. It can be activated by Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, and Viparitakarani Mudra.

Samana Vayu

Samana Vayu is located at the naval of the human body. It controls digestion and other stomach related functions. It works in the gastrointestinal tract for digestion, in the lungs for observing oxygen and in the mind for digesting emotional and mental experiences. Samana Vayu gets strengthened with the practice of Agnisara Kriya and Nauli.

Vyana Vayu

Vayana Vayu is located in the heart and lungs of the human body. What you think and then What you execute is the primary function of this prana. It governs the circulation in the body at all levels. From moving food, water and oxygen throughout the body to keeping the emotions and feelings circulating in the mind. Vyana Vayu gets activated with the practice of Kumbhaka (breath retention).

Apana Vayu

Apana Vayu is located at the core of the pelvic of a human body. It filtrates and purifies the body by the proper discharge of urine, menstrual fluid in ladies, and so. Apart from removing the toxins from the body, it also removes toxins from the mind with the elimination of negative emotions, feelings and experiences. Nauli, Agnisara Kriya, Ashvini Mudra and Mula Bandha are some of the practices to activate Apana Vayu.

The practice of Pranayama brings lots of benefits. Some of these are -

Benefits of Pranayama

  • Calms the mind and relieve stress.
  • It is benefial in circulatory and respiratory problems.
  • The brain functions better with the continuous practice of Pranayama.
  • Controls the emotional and logical personality of a person.
  • Headaches, migraine, sinuses can get relieved with this.
  • Pranayama removes toxins from the body.
  • Controls the blood-glucose level.
  • Improves the capacity and function of lungs.
  • One can get rid of all types of allergies.
  • The cyst, fibroid and swelling in Uterus can get cured.
  • It improves the deficiency of calcium in the body.
  • The problem of menopause and irregular menstrual cycle gets cured.
  • Helps in curing Epilepsy, Parkinson and Paralysis.
  • Leads to good sleep.
  • Improves Eye Sight.
  • Cures Blood Pressure
  • Leads a good physiological, psychological and neurological health.

Types of Pranayama


Anulom Vilom

A breathing exercise that is done alternately in both nostrils is called as Anulom Vilom Pranayama. It increases the patience, control and focus of a person by relieving the issue of anxiety and stress.


Nadi Shodhana

The subtle energy channels in the body of a person are known as Nadis. The practice of Nadi Shodhana pranayama clears the mind, calms the soul, and produces a profound effect on the body and nervous system.



The fast and powerful inhalation and exhalation, producing a direct effect on the diaphragm are known as Bhastrika Pranayama. It is a cleansing action offering lots of physical and mental benefits.

Surya and Chandra Bhedana

Surya and Chandra Bhedana

Surya refers to "Pingala-Nadi" in the right nostrils and Chandra refers to "Ida Nadi" in the left nostrils. The practice of it improves digestion and the flow of oxygen in the blood.


Sheetali & Sheetkari

Also known as Cooling Breath, the Sheetali Pranayama cools the body, nerves and muscles of the body. It is beneficial in treating high blood pressure, chronic dyspepsia, and other related diseases.


Ujjayi Pranayama

Breathing through the nose and tightening the throat is the process of doing Ujjayi Pranayama. It calms the nervous system and increases psychic sensitivity.



Also known as Humming Bee Breath, Bhramari Pranayama is done by covering your eyes and ears and then producing the sound of a Humming Bee. It is much beneficial in self-healing.



The conscious awareness and the control of the breath maintain a healthy flow of prana. In Sanskrit, it means loss of sensation. Moorchha or Murcha Pranayama enhances mental energy.



In Plavini Pranayama, the air is swallowed and bloats your belly then both the nostrils inhale the air. It creates a higher amount of awareness and brings proper clarity.



The fast active and passive exhalation and inhalation are done in Kapalbhati Pranayama. It helps in reducing stress and is also beneficial in correcting low blood circulation.

Price USD 350 INR 29000 Duration 5 Days

Course Inclusion

  • 4 Nights & 5 Days Stay
  • Sattvic/Yogic Meal & Tea/Juices
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Mindfulness Breathing
  • Mantra Chanting Classes
  • Explore Indian Culture
  • Hiking to Waterfall
  • Local Sightseeing
  • Trek to the Kunjapuri Temple
  • Meditation Session on the Banks of River Ganga

Pranayama Retreat Dates 2024 - 2025

01 - 07 August 2024 Fully Booked 08 - 14 August 2024 Fully Booked 15 - 21 August 2024 Fully Booked
22 - 28 August 2024 Fully Booked 02 - 08 September 2024 Fully Booked 09 - 15 September 2024 Fully Booked
16 - 22 September 2024 08 Seats left 23 - 29 September 2024 08 Seats left 01 - 07 October 2024 08 Seats left
08 - 14 October 2024 08 Seats left 15 - 21 October 2024 08 Seats left 22 - 28 October 2024 08 Seats left

5 Days Pranayama Retreat at Real Happiness India

Real Happiness India is a meditation school in Rishikesh that offers 5 days retreat of Pranayama training in the divine city of Rishikesh. The schedule for the 5 days retreat program is given below.

Day - 1

10:30 AM - 11 AM 30 minutes practice including 15 minutes theory and 15 minutes Practical Class

The first day of the blissful Pranayama Retreat program starts with half an hour indoor practice of Pranayama. The windows are opened during the practice to provide you with proper ventilation and air.

11 AM - 01 PM Outdoor Excursion to Tapovan Waterfall

During these 2 hours, we take you out to the scenic place of Tapovan Waterfall. This unexplored place is too beautiful to take your heart away. A small pond with crystal clear water and a wondrous waterfall amidst nature is a perfect gift of nature in the city of Rishikesh. The Pranayama teacher will go with the students for an outdoor pranayama session. The teacher will explain to you the fundamentals of pranayama and teaches you with ease there in an outdoor pranayama program.

06 PM - 07 PM Evening Class at Garden or Rooftop

1-hour evening class amidst the beautiful view of the garden and rooftop of Real Happiness India is something you'll definitely love. The idea behind conducting the class in an open space is that the practice of pranayama needs inhalation and exhalation of fresh air.

Day - 2

10:30 AM - 11 AM 30 minutes practice including 15 minutes theory and 15 minutes Practical Class

The second day starts with half an hour of the indoor practice of Pranayama. The windows are opened during the practice to provide you with proper ventilation and air.

11 AM - 01 PM Outdoor Excursion to Nim Beach

During these 2 hours, we take you out to the peaceful place of Nim Beach. The magical sand beach offers the perfect view of the majestic mountains, sparkling river water, and lush greenery. The Pranayama teacher will go with the students for an outdoor pranayama session. The teacher will explain to you the fundamentals of pranayama and teaches you with ease there in an outdoor pranayama program.

06 PM - 07 PM Evening Class at Garden or Rooftop

1-hour evening class amidst the beautiful view of the garden and rooftop of Real Happiness India is something you'll definitely love. The idea behind conducting the class in an open space is that the practice of pranayama needs inhalation and exhalation of fresh air.

Day - 3

10:30 AM - 11 AM 30 minutes practice including 15 minutes theory and 15 minutes Practical Class

Pranayama Retreat Program of Day 3 starts with half an hour of the indoor practice of Pranayama. The windows are opened during the practice to provide you with proper ventilation and air.

11 AM - 01 PM Outdoor Excursion to Vashishta Cave

During these 2 hours, we take you out to the peaceful place of Vashishta Cave or Guha. The magical beach of the cave offers the perfect view of the majestic mountains, sparkling river water, and lush greenery. There is also a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Pranayama teacher will go with the students for an outdoor pranayama session. The teacher will explain to you the fundamentals of pranayama and teaches you with ease there in an outdoor pranayama program.

06 PM - 07 PM Evening Class at Garden or Rooftop

1-hour evening class amidst the beautiful view of the garden and rooftop of Real Happiness India is something you'll definitely love. The idea behind conducting the class in an open space is that the practice of pranayama needs inhalation and exhalation of fresh air.

Day - 4

Sunrise Trek to Kunjapuri

The schedule for day 4 is little changed as the class starts with Sunrise trek to the spiritual place of Rishikesh, Kunjapuri. Kunjapuri is among the Shaktipeeths of India located amidst the Garhwal Himalayas, at Narendranagar. There is a short trek in Kunjapuri that leads to the panoramic view. The Sunrise view from the temple is too good to soothe the soul. 

The Pranayama teacher will go with the students for an outdoor pranayama session. The teacher will explain to you the fundamentals of pranayama and teaches you with ease there in an outdoor pranayama program. 

Indoor Class 30 minutes practice including 15 minutes theory and 15 minutes Practical Class

The blissful Pranayama Retreat program of day 4 continues with half an hour indoor practice of Pranayama. The windows are opened during the practice to provide you with proper ventilation and air.

06 PM - 07 PM Evening Class at Garden or Rooftop

1-hour evening class amidst the beautiful view of the garden and rooftop of Real Happiness India is something you'll definitely love. The idea behind conducting the class in an open space is that the practice of pranayama needs inhalation and exhalation of fresh air.

Day - 5

10:30 AM - 11 AM 30 minutes practice including 15 minutes theory and 15 minutes Practical Class

The 5th day starts with half an hour of the indoor practice of Pranayama. The windows are opened during the practice to provide you with proper ventilation and air.

11 AM - 01 PM Outdoor Excursion to Beatles Ashram

Beatles Ashram, also known as "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram" is a photogenic place amidst the greenery of Rishikesh. The place has 84 ancient cottages where one can peacefully perform yoga, meditation or pranayama. On the last day of the Pranayama Retreat, we will take you to the Beatles Ashram. The Pranayama teacher will go with the students for an outdoor pranayama session. The teacher will explain to you the fundamentals of pranayama and teaches you with ease there in an outdoor pranayama program.

06 PM - 07 PM Evening Class at Garden or Rooftop

1-hour evening class amidst the beautiful view of the garden and rooftop of Real Happiness India is something you'll definitely love. The idea behind conducting the class in an open space is that the practice of pranayama needs inhalation and exhalation of fresh air.