Online Meditation Courses
When everything can be found online, why not meditation? Real Happiness Meditation School is your online meditation and wellness solution providing you Meditation yoga classes online. Our meditation masters and teachers are specially trained to provide you with beginners, intermediate and advanced level meditation techniques online just like they do offline. You can join our online Meditation Retreat programs to get your body, mind, and soul in equanimity . Join hands with Real Happiness Meditation School to get healthy digitally.
Real Happiness has been successfully running its several offline meditation courses for a decade now. With our online meditation course, you will learn to cultivate and appreciate the beauty of inner peace from the comfort of your home. These Online Meditation programs help you to deal with stress, develop self-awareness, improve your relationships, prevent physical diseases, find clarity in life, learn to let go, and heal. Our team knows how to teach you meditation, and we are here on a digital platform to guide you through the journey to your self-discovery. Do not miss this online relaxing get-away!

Discover your spiritual calling on a digital platform
Whether you are looking for peace of mind, a stress-free life, or physical well-being, Real Happiness Meditation Center offers it all. In our online meditation course, you will learn several meditation techniques that will aid in harnessing your emotions or boost your productivity. Our meditation program provides an in-depth introduction to the foundations of meditation practice.
We teach various meditation techniques in our Online Meditation Retreats which help you to discover your spiritual calling, heal your body, mind, and soul. Not only this, but these techniques will also help you manifest the life you desire. We offer different Online Meditation Retreats available to suit people with various life circumstances and schedules.
Online Meditation Program
Understand the core essence of meditation

Online Beginner Meditation Course
15 Days Meditation Course offers you an opportunity to take a moment off your hectic schedule and connect to your inner self. Online Meditation program is the perfect choice to kick-start your meditation journey.

Online Meditation Teacher Training Course
Online 28 Days Meditation Teacher Training has been developed to train one’s skills starting from ground zero. The program teaches you how to go deeper into your practice as well as how to train others as well in Meditation.

Online Kundalini Meditation Course
28 Days Kundalini Meditation Teacher Training Course gives you in-depth knowledge about the Nadis, Chakras, Aura, Sarir, Indriya, and Kundalini awakening. This 28-Day Kundalini Course will help you focus 4 Days per chakra.

Online Bhagavad Gita Philosophy
Bhagavad Gita Philosophy is an ideal opportunity to delve deep into the Bhagavad Gita 18 Chapters and how to apply the principles taught here in our daily lives.

Online Ayurveda Course
12 Days Online Ayurveda Course aids you to understand your body constitution and accordingly plan your diet and lifestyle. You will study the history and principles of Ayurveda Science.