
Kayanupassana literally means: Kaya is a Sanskrit word that means Body, and Upasana is also a Sanskrit word that means Worship. Thus, Kayanupassana means to worship the body as a temple. In Buddhism, Kayanupassana is observing the body while doing Meditation.

Vedananupassana literally means: Vedana is a Sanskrit word that means Pain, and Upasana is also a Sanskrit word that means Worship. Thus, Vedananupassana is considered a feeling which may give pain or happiness accordingly, Vedananupassana is being mindful of your feelings.

Cittanupassana literally means: Citta or Chitta is a Sanskrit word that means Mind, and Upasana is also a Sanskrit word that means Worship. Thus, Cittanupassana is considered as being a witness of the Chitta and observing the thoughts in Mind.

Dhammanupassana literally means: Dhamma is a Sanskrit word which means Uplift or Upholds, and Upasana is also a Sanskrit word which means Worship. Thus, Dhammanupassana is considered as increasing the level of spirituality by being mindful of Mental Objects.
Clear vision
Remaining equanimous
Detox from life
Win over Maya (Illusion)
Self-centered mind
Less overthinking
Improves the lungs capacity
Increase focus and concentration
Understand the Impermanence of life
1. Clear vision:
Clear vision is an ability to understand or know what you want to be in life. It gives a distinct view or plan of your goals and things will look in the future. A clear vision gives direction to your dreams or guides you in life even when you get off track. The consistent practice of Vipassana meditation, a silent practice where you observe noble peace gradually brings a clear vision to your life. The quality of clear vision actually helps you to be persistent and committed during difficult or stressful times.
2. Remaining equanimous:
What is the main teaching of Vipassana meditation? It is remaining equanimous no matter what you experience. Equanimity is the calm and composed mental state where you accept all outcomes be they good or bad. In an equanimous state, you understand that your joy and suffering are not caused by your experiences and circumstances, but by your responses to them. Accepting everything as it is, without any judgment or reaction is remaining equanimous. Therefore, you don’t cling or become attached to any nice enjoyable experience. Similarly, you do not avoid bad experiences.
3. Detox from life
In life, with a lot much happening around you, it’s quite natural to not aware of good things in life, that’s why it becomes important to detox your mind. In Vipassana Meditation you observe noble silence for 10 days. No electronic devices, reading, or writing material is allowed. By eliminating these distractions your attention will be on your meditation practice. The practice will help you slow down the pace of your thoughts, dive deeper into meditation, and have a much better detox.
4. Win over Maya (Illusion)
Maya refers to illusion or unreality. Due to Maya, we identify ourselves with our names, minds, bodies, and ignore our true being or spiritual nature. We become prisoners of our actions, desires, and attachments because of the presence of Maya in us. Maya prevents us from thinking clearly or seeing truths by blocking our visions and senses. With the practice of Vipassana, your mind and body are cleansed and you are able to know the hidden reality of the world. It makes the mind calm and stable eventually free from desires, emotions, expectations, attachments, aversions, and attractions.
5. Embrace Self-love
Self-love refers to the act of taking care of your own self and not losing yourself to please others. When there is a lack of self-love, it manifests as an unfulfilling career & job, scarcity in finances, lack of trust in relationships, and a lot more. With the practice of Vipassana Meditation, you develop the feeling of self-love which gradually makes our thoughts, views about ourselves positive. With self-love comes self-acceptance, the feeling of accepting yourself the way you are, despite your flaws, failures, and limitations.
6. Self-centered mind
A self-centered person is only interested in himself and his own actions, behavior, or activities. He is concerned with his needs and wants, and never thinks about other people. It is the root of many psychiatric illnesses such as personality disorders, addiction, anxiety disorder, and depression. You can counter self-centeredness through the consistent practice of Vipassana Meditation. The practice will set you free and let go of your self-centeredness and lovingly focus outward on life.
7. Less Overthinking
Overthinking is the biggest problem that leads to illness and diseases. Moreover, it also becomes a barrier in the path of success. Mind controls our body, so when we invest the energy of mind in unnecessary thoughts and overthinking, then it will not perform its work properly. But overthinking is in the nature of a human, with the regular Vipassana Meditation, one can conquer the problem of overthinking.
8. Improves the lungs capacity
The consistent practice of Vipassana meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system to slow down the heart rate, as a result, there is a decrease in carbon dioxide and an increase of bicarbonate in the blood, which eventually increases the breathing efficiency of the lungs. Healthy lungs enhance immunity, improve the quality of sleep, fight anxiety & stress, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance cognitive functions. It has immense physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits.
9. Increase focus and concentration
Research has shown that the practice of Vipassana can change the structure and function of the brain through relaxation. As a result, enhances focus and concentration, and memory. Increased focus and concentration can foster creativity and promote problem-solving skills. Focusing or paying attention to one thing can be a daunting task in a society that emphasizes multitasking but it is possible with Vipassana meditation.
10. Understand Impermanence of life
Impermanence refers to something that is temporary or impermanent, which doesn’t last forever. Everything in your life, the people, all your possessions including your body will eventually leave you. The state or feeling of impermanence allows you not to cling to the people, situations, and things in your life. When you understand the concept of impermanence, you try to accept changes or adapt yourself in difficult times as you know that this will end as well.