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What is Real Happiness? Meaning of True Happiness Explained

Eternal Absolute Happiness

If I ask you, when was the last time you were in the pure bliss of happiness? The moment when everything felt right and inner peace was at its peak? Can you describe your moment of real happiness? The moment of absolute calm and fulfillment with extreme harmony. It's a state of being that we all long for yet often struggle to attain.

Before moving further in the discussion, I want you to recount how long the feeling of happiness lasted with you. Do you still feel the same level of bliss that you felt the first time while achieving it? If your answer is no, then it was temporary happiness.

Because if the feeling of happiness depends on external goals like achieving a dream job or finally buying a favorite car then there is a sense of instability, as our emotions become tethered to fleeting circumstances such as a desirable job or a fulfilling relationship. The temptation to continuously seek out new sources of happiness, whether through material possessions or new experiences, can lead to a constant cycle of dissatisfaction.

I want to be clear that there is a huge difference between happiness and real happiness. What exactly is real happiness, and how can we find it in our daily lives? Let's explore this together in this article. I will try my best to make you understand the essence of real happiness.


As children, we sought happiness through toys, games, and explorations. As teenagers, we search for pleasure in adventures and relationships. As adults, we tried to find it in money, material possessions, worldly achievements, recognition, and physical bonds. We have constantly changed our objects and methods, but the pursuit continues.

To find real happiness, we must focus on developing inner satisfaction instead of seeking it from external sources. We have become so engaged in a materialistic world that we are unaware of the world within us.

The moment we try to connect with our inner world and focus on inner contentment, we will experience true happiness. To understand the meaning of Real Happiness, we need to explore this term by splitting it and delving deeper into the word “ Real”. Defining real is tricky still if we try to define it, we can say real is long-lasting and able to exist without any stimuli or context. Real happiness is complete in itself and gives a sense of fulfillment and effortless peace.


Happiness is a subjective experience, everyone has a different definition of happiness. Different philosophers have given different meanings and names they used to define real happiness. Self-actualization, Pure consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Union with the true self, and connecting with the Almighty are a few descriptions of the term Real Happiness.

While digging deeper into these terms, we understand that real happiness is all concerned with the inner self and supreme self and has nothing to do with the external world.

According to Bhagavad Geeta: People who understand themselves are always joyful. They no longer look to the outside world for happiness since they have discovered inner delight and fulfillment.

Let me make it easier for you. I am sure many of you have gone to the mountains and seen the small creeks (rivers) flowing downhill. Do you notice one thing? The water is always been crystal clear until and unless you disturb the water by either throwing a stone into it or jumping into it then the mud from the bottom rises and the water becomes dirty. However, if you just leave it for some time and let the mud settle down, the water would be clear again.

Similarly, our rested mind is naturally happy (you can quickly feel that after waking up from a sound sleep). It is only when some external stimulation disturbs this rested condition and creates a craving—a desire inside to get something from outside—that the mind becomes restless and worried. It is this outward focus and the yearning for an object that deprives us of happiness, which is our innate nature.

So, to reach the highest stage of real happiness, we need to approach our inner world. Accept the fact that everything in this world is temporary and has its last day and try to outthrow yourself from the grip of the materialistic world. And meditation is the best way to control the impatient mind.

What makes happiness stable and real?

A sense of fear comes forth whenever it comes to starting the process of self-realization and understanding the inner and supreme power. There is a mythical belief among people that building connections with self means stopping living as a social human being and getting rid of worldly responsibilities.

Let me burst your myth bubbles and assure you it is not true. You may experience real happiness while fulfilling your worldly duties. Try these simple practices as part of your life after a certain period of time, you may experience a fortune of real happiness that makes you peaceful within.

  • Firstly, be mindful of your soul as only the soul is eternal.
  • Practice self-love and take responsibility for leading a healthy, happy, harmonious, and meaningful life.
  • Focus on performing your duties to the best of your abilities without worrying about the results or rewards.
  • Maintain equanimity towards all people and situations
  • Train your mind to enjoy the present moments as it encourages calm in you. As the past has already gone and the future has yet to come.
  • Praying and appreciating the fortunes the universe has given to you.

To go further with the search for real happiness, you can try meditation and yoga. Meditation provides you key to the inner world. And yoga itself has the meaning “to join” which helps you to develop a connection with your true self and possess unification with higher energy. You can practice yoga and meditation under expert guidance for better results.

About Author: Sanjjay Raturi
The Seeker, Writer, Himalayan Philosopher
Sanjjay Raturi "Sagar" was born into a Brahmin family in the North Indian Himalayas. He has been connected to spirituality since birth, growing up in a beautiful place near the source of the holy river Ganges. This led him to start practicing mantra chanting and meditation during his childhood.
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